SAT-3 - Dikhololo 2000

Having dinner (braai) in Dickhololo reserve, where SAT-3 Cable System meeting was held in Feb 2000, hosted by Telkom SA. In that time some floods occurred, making the restaurant inoperative, but not as much as in Mozambique.

A friendly snooker match among Angola, Portugal and Italy.

José and Ana (Spain) making some artisanat shopping close to Dikhololo reserve. The ostriches in metal were really nice but heavy to carry

José and Ana (Spain) making some artisanat shopping close to Dikhololo reserve. The ostriches in metal were really nice but heavy to carry
Manuel Ramin and Juan Dominguez (France Telecom).

Early in the morning having a tour in Dikhololo park.

Early in the morning having a tour in Dikhololo park.

Hennie Branken (below) showed me Pretoria in the way to Johannesburg airport.
Restaurant specialized in Portuguese cuisine in a shopping center in the way to Joahnesburg.
Some postcards from South Africa.
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