Sunday 9 September 2007

MEDRET - Nicosia 1994

Nicosia in Cyprus, was the place where the 19th Medret meeting was hosted by CYTA, in 1994. The geological birth of Cyprus, in that the island rose from the ocean, is some times compared with the legend of Aphrodite's birth, emerging through the foam of the sea waves. A nice place to visit.
In MEDRET 19th meeting in 1994, a french speaking meeting since the beguinning, the english was introduced as the second language and translation services were provided by CYTA.

The Chairman opening the meeting after the welcome words by CYTA head responsible at his right.
Some relaxing moments visiting Paphos, the Roman Governor's palace, where extensive, fine mosaics are a major tourist attraction.
A beach close to Paphos, where is said Aphrodite came from the sea. "Foam-arisen" Aphrodite was born of the sea foam near Paphos, Cyprus after Cronus cut off Uranus' testicles and threw them into the sea, is written here.
The 19th MEDRET meeting family photo for the posterity.


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